The beauty Celestial again shows off her off-the-charts leg strength making Billie tap and tap as she moves so effortlessly to reverse headscissors. A brutal figure-four headscissors — her pretty hair in a bun, her eyes spaced apart by heaven, Celestial is a stunning young headscisors artist. She almost breaks his jaw he later said in a standing head scissors — she hardly locks out side headscissors before he taps to this picture-pretty headscissors machine stretching his spine in an RNC/bodyscissors combo. Her awe-inspiring quads explode like his head seems it might in straight headscissors. She sets Billie up for reverse headscissors. A reverse figure four headscissors as Celestial shows herself an artist at the hold. She is — right now — one of the most dangerous girls anywhere using headscissors. Billie almost has his head ripped off as his face sinks into her ass. She takes a second to pat his face but this Hollywood beauty is frenetic about applying scissors. A front headscissors has him purple and her flushed. A figure 8 headscissors into a straight headscissors. Billie is in deep trouble as she locks on a leaning standing headscissors up on the balls of her feet asking “Where you going? You going somewhere?” Her calves are perfect and she inspires a break. Her rear naked choke that made Billie throw up in his throat the last time they wrestled gives the room a chance to see her face and how simply stunning it is. Another brutal standing headscissors as one of the hold’s new masters hurts the weaker guy going purple in her ass. She is all business, there to inflict as much pain with as many different headscissors she can and too making him ill in her arms. We love her. She locks his jaw up in throatscissors; she hurts him in figure-four headscissors, cranking back and closing in her hamstring, adductors and calf around his thin neck. She looks into his fading eyes in her front figure-four and makes him gag in more front throatscissors. Front headscissors with her hands behind her head — this natural made to hurt and scare people in headscissors is taking Billie apart and causing a break. An incredible reverse headscissors has him racing for breath and tapping as she locks it back on and he shakes and again as she looks back at him suffering. A flying headscissors from her standing has him crying and her leg power is so total that she sinks him back down into another standing headscissors, pulling his hair up to show him off and finishing him in another RNC as he is too dazed by the headscissor artistry of one of this thing’s hottest girls.
Date: October 5, 2023
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