Miss Jessica stands in front of her sub and says he doesn’t seem to have brought much with him. She asks him if he’s brought any flowers with him, he hasn’t so Miss Jessica says 12 canes for that. Then she asks if he’s brought any chocolates, he says no he didn’t have time, to which Miss Jessica says 24! She then asks about the perfume she wanted from last time. He says they didn’t have it in the shop, what lies! so after a second disappointment, Miss Jessica says 100 canes for that. Finally she asks for the gorgeous little negligee she pointed out on a website and he hasn’t even got that so she awards him 50 for that! Miss Jessica then proceeds to dish out a total of 186 cane strokes with a mixture of hard slow and fast strokes until he gets the message loud and clear and to bring some presents next time.
Date: January 15, 2024
Miss Jessica
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