I’ve called you here today because I wanted to be the first one to inform you that I got that promotion. I know you were vying for the same position I was, but it seems like they picked the better candidate. Which now means, starting Monday, I am your boss. Which means you can’t lust over me at work anymore. Remember that incident at the Christmas party? Not going to happen again. In fact, you’re going to be spending much more time here at the office working on your own personal improvement plan. Your girlfriend, the one I met at the Christmas party, is probably going to get really lonely while you’re at work all the time. Now worries though, I have a great plan. You see, I’m going to take your girlfriend out on dates while you’re stuck here working. Don’t like it? Then quit. Which one do you want more? Your girlfriend, or your job?
Date: December 27, 2023
Goddess Alexadnra Snow
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