With my irreverent pet bound to my inescapable steel spider web, he is mine for the taking. I will do as I please with him, and what pleases me at this moment is to make him suffer greatly for his inappropriate behavior. My dreaded thrasher whip shall do rather nicely.Each crack of my whip bruises and lacerates his soft skin effortlessly. Blow after painful blow, I remind him of his place of servitude to me, and only me. Strike after excruciating strike, I reinforce my place as his Goddess.Remember slaves, this is Goddess Miko’s world. If you wish the privilege of becoming part of it, you will follow my every command and directive to the letter, or suffer a swift and severe punishment. So let this video be a lesson for all those who wish to be in my service.
Date: May 9, 2023
Goddess Miko
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